Tuesday, January 18, 2011

School is back in session

First day back at school so far has been very productive for me and Lady Luck is smiling down upon me. Silly me I wore heels to school...bad idea. I don't know what I was thinking but apparently I wasn't when I got dressed this morning. Luckily I had a pair of flats in my trunk and put them on. I've been at school since about 8:45 am and my class is at 2pm. I finished a drawing I was working on last night. I was even able to buy a textbook (okay the teacher said it was a textbook but really it's a paperback textbook which is very nice indeed). Well once that was finished I sat in my car for a log time and read a book and knitted a little until I got hungry. I go to the Student War Memorial for food. It's a zoo (or war zone...I think war zone is a better way to describe it right now). It was like going through a human car wash only with 500 or so people bumping into you instead of the scrubbers in a car wash. Well I grabbed some sushi and edamame and got out of there (mainly because it was too noisy and I don't do very well in crowds (not that I get sick, I just feel like finding a corner to sit in and hold my knees to my chin until the crowd goes away). I didn't realize that I had picked up edamame (soybeans), I thought I had picked up sugar snaps or snow peas and my sushi of choice was grilled salmon rolls (not trusting the raw sushi at school) not realizing that it was spicy. Needless to say that when I got out of the food court I made a beeline for a quiet spot to eat close to my class outside the building. Regardless of it being cloudy and a little damp, it's a very nice day and I wanted to enjoy the bliss before the chaos of school work took over my life.
So I found my quiet spot and eat my lunch...first roll very good and then the heat kicked in (I started with a 33 oz bottle of water I now have half). It was good don't get me wrong but my nose was athletic. I had about 4 bites left, decided to go take a picture of a flower but couldn't because my camera is dead, get back to my seat and the rain starts. I had just enough time to calmly pick up my lunch, purse, phone, and computer bag and get under shelter. But I didn't go inside. I will be stuck in class for an hour and 15 minutes quite possibly with no windows so I'm taking every moment I can to be outside. It's a little chilly but I'll live. Anyway, the rain reminded me of a part in a special book I read a while ago and felt like one of the characters covering his head with his shirt so he wouldn't get wet while 2 others were dancing and laughing in the rain. However, I had my computer (among other electronics in the computer bag) to worry about getting wet (and I wasn't sure what the temperature will be like in the classroom and I'd rather not freeze if I don't have to). The smell of the rain cleared my mind as I ate and I enjoyed every bite. The rain kind of washed away every care, worry and thought I had while getting my lunch. It truly is amazing what happens when you clear your mind of everything. I have no writer's block right now, and I'm a little more energized so I'm ready for class.
This is a new year, my last semester and I've come full circle. I started college with 18 hours a new hair style, and no job. I end my college career with 18 hours, a new hair style, and no job. But I walk away with experience and new material to start my own business. In about 117 days I will walk across that stage and get my diploma. But each day from now until then, is a challenge. I will face that challenge head on with everything I have.

~I would like to thank Dan Millman for his book The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (the part of the book I was remembering when the rain came down).

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Last Day

Friday is my last day of work but not because of school or I'm getting fired but because the gig I'm working (which shall remain nameless) is ending. It's a good thing and a bad thing. The good part is I'll be able to focus more on school. The bad thing is no income unless I switch over to the other office. I'll switch over but not just yet. I need to focus on school and my art work. I might be able to work on that art pony I've been wanting to build. And go back to my knitting. Lots of stuff going on in my head right now. We'll see how things go. I've got several commissions to work on so all is not bad.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

figured out what to do

Well I've finally figured out what to do about my work schedule and school schedule. I've cut my hours to where it's more manageable. I will work 4 hours twice a week and then go to the library or home and study. Tried that yesterday... people were talking in the library and drove me nuts. So I went to my car where I was in my own little bubble, played whatever music I wanted, finished my art work, and didn't study a lick of school work...yeah that kinda back fired but I'll do better tomorrow Can't say today because I forgot my meds again...like I did yesterday. *shrugs* it happens but at least the meds aren't for health reasons. But I will have to do better if I want all A's.
Saints won the battle last night against the 49ers. Sadly Reggie Bush now has a broken leg and will be out for about 6 weeks!!!!! Not cool. But we won and I have some catching up to do with DWTS since I missed it last night. BUT I did see Jennifer Grey dance last night and she was beautiful :D so I saw who I wanted to see so maybe I won't but I will be missing it again tonight because of school :(

Friday, September 17, 2010

It's easier to believe the bad stuff

This is just perfect. I studied my ass off for a test and I still failed it. I felt ok about it too. Just 10 points higher than the other 2 I took. My self-esteem just went down by 20 points. I need a new plan of action. I think I better read the chapters so that the teachers who give out study guides, I know where to find the material needed on the study guide. I also think I should study my notes more than I have been. Just looking at them a few minutes before the test just isn't enough anymore. OK so new plan: read the chapters before class and make note of what's important; study notes; record the first class of the day and just type word-for-word what was said and study that as well; study at work much longer than 5-10 minutes of "break-time". It goes along with the phrase: location, location, location. Yeah: study, study, study. Oh and another fun note: turns out my iPod did NOT sync correctly and kept all the old music and I have none of my new music on there. Before iTunes would wipe out the songs you had on the iPod from a different computer and replace it with the songs on the current computer....I guess they changed that now. Oh well. I'll figure something out. I've got a few extra points to work on for Finance, and 3 projects to work on. So maybe the assignments will keep me alive. But I want all A's this semester...yeah failing the first tests are not how I wanted to start the semester off.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One of those days

If my head wasn't attached I'd lose it in a heart beat. I left my note pad for work at home and I couldn't find the power cord to the office laptop I'm using to print things out. Luckily I found the cord, my supervisor was kind enough to unplug it and hide it yesterday when all the training was going on so no one would take it. I remembered my textbook and study guide for my test tomorrow but not the notepad that told where I had stopped on Monday and what I needed to print out. So I went old school and hunted down what I had already printed and wrote down what I didn't print and then printed the files and put them in the "to be filed" pile. Then I went hunting to see where I stopped.....yeah that was fun. And now I've come realize that since I added Mobile email to my phone and actually checking it with the phone...it wears out the battery that much faster. I had a full battery yesterday, today I have half a battery. And I must do this because of my job. I have to keep an eye on my email for when I'm told to pull a file or make a file. So having the mobile email is great....just have to charge my phone more often now. Oh well I'll get over it. On a good note: I've finally got my iPod loaded with new and old music >^.^< Now if only I had small speakers to hook up to it when we go outside to draw in art class. One day soon but not right now. Must get back to studying, big test tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bitting off more than you can chew

Ever feel like you've bitten off more than you can chew? Between work and school right now that's how I feel. But being the stubborn person that I am, I'm going to keep on chewing. I can juggle work and school if I can get over senior-itis. Yes I would rather work than go to school because of financial reasons but then again I'm not the only one. I want to work more but I need to go to school in order to do that. I'm in my last year of school and soon I'll be able to work full time and make the money needed not only for my parents but also for me and my nest egg for starting up my business.
I recently read a special blog that belongs to a close friend of mine. It brought me to tears (kinda wishing I read it at home not at school). It was one of those blogs that she was talking about friendship and I wanted to give her a hug not only to make her feel better but also because I wanted to show her how much I appreciated what she had said. And I felt better when I read it because she and I have the same friends and I realized how thankful I am to have them for friends as well. It made me want to be better not only for myself but for school. This is my last year! I can't goof it up now not when I've come this far! 30hours left! 30 HOURS! It's unbelievable even for me. This year with work and school is a giant elephant and I'm bitting that elephant trying to eat it all at once. And that's not possible. I need to slow down, take the time to study at work and/or after work, and take the time to study after a long day of school. My plate is full but I can't eat it all at once. I have to approach this one bite at a time. I want to be a better student and I can be. If you believe you can, you will. And I know I can. So thanks Kat for tagging me in your blog.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A new Journey

I have decided to start on a long journey to find out about my family. I've always been interested in my family history but I want to actually get all the facts I can about where they came from, how they lived, etc. It re-sparked my interest thanks to that new show on TV where celebs go and search for thier family history. I'm hoping I can find more info on my family this time around than I normally do by word of mouth (and make sure that it all gets written down). Well it's time to dust off my digital recorder and favorite magnifiying glass and start searching everywhere leaving no stone unturned!